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Eleanor Zuercher

Needlework and Poetry


Goldwork is a form of embroidery using metal threads and wires. A gold colour is most widely used, but silver and copper can also be worked and, these days, a wide variety of coloured wires and metallic threads are also available. Goldwork was traditionally used for ecclesiastical items and vestments and military uniforms as well as royal clothing. I have made burse and veil sets for my local churches, also use the technique for framed embroideries, items of jewellery and the lids of trinket boxes.

I embroider larger pieces for framed pictures as well as smaller ones to make pieces of jewellery or trinket box lids, and I take inspiration from a variety of sources: 


Three owls on purple silkKingfisher swooping down on dark blue silkKingfisher flying up with fish on dark blue silkHeron on aqua silkHeron detail on aqua silkPuffin on olive silkPuffin detail on olive silkHummingbird on vanilla silkFeather design brooches and pendantsOwl design brooches and pendantsSwan design pendants on cerise silk


Elephant on royal blue silkPangoliin on mid green silkSpider in web on black silkCat design brooches and pendantsHare on purple silk mounted in pocket watch caseSpider design brooches


Globe artichoke on marine green silkArum lily on dark green silkPine cone on moss green silkPine cone detail on moss green silkFlower and leaf design on purple silkAcorn design brooches and pendants

as well as more architectural or mathematical subjects

Spiral staircase looking downStained glass effect mandalaStained glass mandala detail 1Stained glass mandala further detailWells CathedralWells Cathedral detail Wells Cathedral further detailCompass design for trinket box lid

things celestial, good words and some of my favourite things like tea and cake!

The word "Still" worked on a circle of couched gold threadsStill from a different angleThe word "Storm" illustrated in a circle designSun and Moon trinket boxesCup of tea brooch designFairy cake brooch design


Copyright (c) Eleanor Zuercher 2014-2019.  All rights reserved.